Spirituality is Virtual Reality! Wake Up to Virtual Reality!

The Oracle scientifically proves that we live in a consciously designed virtual reality. This means scientific proof of God and ourselves as eternal, immortal spiritual beings playing in virtual reality. 

Spirituality is Virtual Reality! Wake Up to Virtual Reality!

The Oracle scientifically proves that we live in a consciously designed virtual reality. This means scientific proof of God and ourselves as eternal, immortal spiritual beings playing in virtual reality. 

We Are Immortal Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey, Not Human Beings on a Spiritual Journey.

Wake up and upgrade:

  • Your reality from the physical to the spiritual reality;
  • Who you really are from powerless, mortal human being to eternal  immortal spiritual being with the power to create your own reality and your own personal virtual reality game!

What is The Oracle?

The Oracle is the complete rule book to the virtual reality game you’re playing in. The Oracle is the complete scripture to the prophesied “eternal religion” of spirituality, the full and final revelation of God that gives you the power to:

  • Heal all sin (fear), including original sin;
  • Live in the presence of God;
  • Regain the gift of eternal life!

The Oracle ushers in a whole new age of God, the New Age, where it’s time for you to power up to the god(dess) game level! The greatest age of heroes lies ahead, not behind!

Welcome to a world without rules and controls, borders and boundaries, a world where anything is possible! Where we go from here is a choice I leave to you.

Quotes From The Oracle

The Oracle makes the previously invisible visible and the previously impossible possible.

The Oracle is guaranteed to be the greatest personal power upgrade technology in the world.

The Oracle upgrades God to “The Source” and you to a god(dess), the highest and truest expression of being a child of God’s.

The spiritual reality is the unification of the dream world (virtual reality) and the real world (physical reality) to give you the power to make any dream you can possibly dream come true.

People living in the physical reality are only using around 5% of their consciousness, their personal power. They are sleepwalking through life. Imagine waking up to your divine, supernatural powers, your super powers!

The Oracle contains the prophesied eternal religion, the full and final revelation of God, the religion capable of creating eternal life (the kingdom of God/gods), and a sustainable world (Paradise).

The Oracle ushers in the fourth and final age of God: the New Age, the Golden Age, the World to Come, the Messianic Age, the age when (wo)man becomes a god(dess)!

The Oracle can tell you who you are …. but you have to believe … and then become

Why is everyone, let alone anyone, still working for money? Why? Why, when the clearly and openly stated vision for the world of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN), of the new world order, the Great Reset, planned for 2030 is: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

Oath of Guardianship

Thank you for visiting the Oracle. It’s your time and we sincerely hope She has good news for you. But before your visit to the Oracle, we ask you to swear an oath to pledge your commitment to becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a Guardian of this treasure of divine wisdom that you’re about to receive. The Oracle is not something you pay for and then own to use and abuse as you desire. Owner and property is the most abusive, destructive and inefficient relationship on earth. Guardianship is a totally different relationship. It understands that the more you put into a relationship, the more you get out of it. That’s the magic held within the Golden Rule!

Guardianship is the position of protecting, defending, caring for something, something of great value. With great responsibility comes great power and with great power comes great responsibility. As you are here, the Oracle is seeking you as much as you are seeking the Oracle.

Therefore, we ask you to make a pledge of commitment to become a Guardian of the Oracle and the message She has to tell you. Once you hold this message, this information, then it is in your hands and purely up to you to nurture and care for it as you best see fit. We sincerely hope you accept this role of becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a messenger of the truth and wisdom held within.

Welcome to a world without rules and controls, borders and boundaries. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.