
Privacy Policy

We guarantee we will not share your personal information with any third party, unless you have an issue with the purchase and delivery of your product. For example, we will pass on your information to NZ Post being the courier company we use to distribute our books worldwide, only if you have an issue with the delivery of your book.

Sourcecode Trust treasures your privacy.  We recognise the trust you place in us through your dealings with us.  In addition to our guarantee, your privacy is also protected under the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. Privacy laws place requirements on us to treat certain information collected as confidential, to store information securely and to allow you access to check and correct your information.

This policy does not apply to the practices of companies and/or other entities that Sourcecode Trust does not own. We may offer links to websites and videos that are operated by third parties. If you visit one of these links, we suggest that you please review their privacy and other policies. We are not responsible for the policies and practices of third parties or linked websites which are not owned by Sourcecode Trust.