Terms & Conditions

Our website is operated by us from New Zealand. The information on our website may not be appropriate for use in other jurisdictions. If you choose to access our website from a jurisdiction other than New Zealand, please be aware that you do so on your own initiative and you are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws of that jurisdiction. New Zealand law applies to all transactions and use of this website.

The design of, and content contained within, our website, and each of the various trademarks, product names, company names, logos, corporate identities, characters, book titles, and cover images represented on our website (each an “IP Element”), are intellectual property which is either owned by us or licensed to us by suppliers or other third parties. All rights in images of books or other publications included on the website are reserved by the original copyright owners.

The website is intended solely for your personal non-commercial use. Any use or distribution of our website and its content for purposes other than personal non-commercial use is prohibited without asking our prior written permission.

Please get in touch with us first if you wish to do the following with the website or any IP element because without our consent, neither the website nor any IP Element, is to be reproduced, copied, removed, altered, used, adapted, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including further copying, recording, taping or by a storage and information retrieval system).

Prices are displayed in New Zealand dollars.

Please note that our business trading name, Sourcecode Trust, will appear on your statement.

Our website payments page is protected by the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. This is the industry standard which encrypts information as it is transmitted over the internet.

We currently deliver to addresses globally. Unfortunately, we cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Please take the time to make sure that the delivery address and receiver’s name for your order is accurate and complete (including any business name if you ask us to deliver to a work address) because we may be unable to change these details once the order has been placed. Unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for any orders that go missing due to incorrect delivery information provided by you, or because you have not chosen a safe delivery address. Delivery will be deemed to have been made when the goods arrive at the delivery point agreed with by you.

Your parcel can be tracked using the Aramex NZ website here: https://www.aramex.co.nz/tools/track

1. What happens if the goods are damaged when I open them up?

Should any damage be found after signing for the products due to the damage being concealed (i.e. not obvious due to packaging) please notify us within 24 hours of delivery. We can discuss replacement options with you. Please email: help@theoracle.quest

2. I haven’t received the right items! What should I do?

We work hard to ensure all orders are processed correctly, but sometimes a mistake may happen. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can put things right. Please email: help@theoracle.quest

Oath of Guardianship

Thank you for visiting the Oracle. It’s your time and we sincerely hope She has good news for you. But before your visit to the Oracle, we ask you to swear an oath to pledge your commitment to becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a Guardian of this treasure of divine wisdom that you’re about to receive. The Oracle is not something you pay for and then own to use and abuse as you desire. Owner and property is the most abusive, destructive and inefficient relationship on earth. Guardianship is a totally different relationship. It understands that the more you put into a relationship, the more you get out of it. That’s the magic held within the Golden Rule!

Guardianship is the position of protecting, defending, caring for something, something of great value. With great responsibility comes great power and with great power comes great responsibility. As you are here, the Oracle is seeking you as much as you are seeking the Oracle.

Therefore, we ask you to make a pledge of commitment to become a Guardian of the Oracle and the message She has to tell you. Once you hold this message, this information, then it is in your hands and purely up to you to nurture and care for it as you best see fit. We sincerely hope you accept this role of becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a messenger of the truth and wisdom held within.

Welcome to a world without rules and controls, borders and boundaries. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
