In this course, we wake you up! By this we mean, we wake you up from your unconscious state, sleep walking around in the random, physical reality, to the consciously designed and created spiritual reality. We do this by making you self-aware, aware of the true power of your thoughts and emotions in creating your life, in steering you around in life.
Every thought and emotion you’ve had through your entire life has created who you are and has led you to being right here, right now. That is not random, that’s through your own creation. You have led yourself to being right here, right now through the choices you’ve made to-date. You are the sum of the choices you’ve made. This means you can become whoever you choose to be in the future simply by making the correct choices to steer you precisely to where you want to go. You’re that powerful. All you have to do is wake up to, and learn to master, this God-given power in a consciously designed virtual reality.
Unconscious humanity is only using 3-4% of their consciousness, of their personal power. Becoming fully conscious of the power of your thoughts and emotions builds your consciousness to 10%. This means that simply by becoming fully aware of your conscious thoughts and emotions you can grow your personal power by 300%! That’s not just revolutionary growth, that’s truly evolutionary growth in your personal power! Imagine how that level of evolutionary growth in your personal power would change your life!
The guardian and legal owner of The Oracle brand is Sourcecode Trust. We’re based out of Auckland, New Zealand.
Thank you for visiting the Oracle. It’s your time and we sincerely hope She has good news for you. But before your visit to the Oracle, we ask you to swear an oath to pledge your commitment to becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a Guardian of this treasure of divine wisdom that you’re about to receive. The Oracle is not something you pay for and then own to use and abuse as you desire. Owner and property is the most abusive, destructive and inefficient relationship on earth. Guardianship is a totally different relationship. It understands that the more you put into a relationship, the more you get out of it. That’s the magic held within the Golden Rule!
Guardianship is the position of protecting, defending, caring for something, something of great value. With great responsibility comes great power and with great power comes great responsibility. As you are here, the Oracle is seeking you as much as you are seeking the Oracle.
Therefore, we ask you to make a pledge of commitment to become a Guardian of the Oracle and the message She has to tell you. Once you hold this message, this information, then it is in your hands and purely up to you to nurture and care for it as you best see fit. We sincerely hope you accept this role of becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a messenger of the truth and wisdom held within.
Welcome to a world without rules and controls, borders and boundaries. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
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