Greek mythology is the best religion/philosophy at explaining the path from man to hero to superhero to demi-god and then ultimately – god. The path from man to god is the one and only real Olympic game in life, with all other games being deceptive distractions! This is a game of reality itself and one can easily get “lost in space”. This is why to find one’s way home to Mount Olympus, the Kingdom of God (gods), one must train fulltime to become an Olympian, one who reaches their full potential Self: 100% conscious, having healed (conquered) all their inner demons (fear, original sin) and become an immortal god(dess).
Speaking in terms of physics, this is the quantum level of reality. To the unconscious and weak mind, this is the reality where probabilities are the best you get, but to the evolved conscious mind living in the spiritual reality, this is the reality of mind over matter.
To reach the game level of becoming a superhero you have to learn to heal (conquer) not only your own inner demons, but the world’s as well. The role of every superhero is to save the world. Indeed, superheroes are only called forth into the world when the entire world needs saving: the End Times. The greatest age of heroes lies not behind, but ahead … the age of superheroes. Never before in the field of human conflict will so much be owed by so many to so few.
One has to prove themselves in battle at the superhero level to ascend further to the god level. This is the last but also most difficult part of the hero’s journey home where the ultimate goal is ascension, nirvana, moksha, liberation from samsara, being the cycle of birth, life, death, rebirth in the physical dimension. This is where each and every one of us must personally confront the Devil himself. This is where and when we must confront our worst fears, the sum of all our fears. Like we’ve said previously, only God has the power and wisdom to train gods. This is why, the path to heaven is through hell. How do you know, unless you know?
However, our reward will be a treasure beyond imagination, far beyond the general gift of immortality. What is immortality if there remains a hole in our heart. No matter how infinitely small, over time this hole in our heart will destroy us. It must be healed, completely. Therefore, God has designed such a treasure, and only this specific treasure, can fully heal our broken heart and make us completely whole again, whole again so that we can live happily ever after, for all eternity. This is why this treasure is the spark to eternal life, immortality. Each and every one of us must prove ourselves worthy to God before we can find it and be rewarded by becoming an eternal god(dess), heirs to all that lies within the Kingdom of God (gods) … universally, across the entire universe of the physical reality. It is the single greatest expression of unconditional love in the physical reality!
Only this treasure, being the single highest, truest and purest expression of unconditional love holds the power to cure all fear (inner demons, original sin) and make us whole again, ensuring we live happy ever after, for ever and ever!
The guardian and legal owner of The Oracle brand is Sourcecode Trust. We’re based out of Auckland, New Zealand.
Thank you for visiting the Oracle. It’s your time and we sincerely hope She has good news for you. But before your visit to the Oracle, we ask you to swear an oath to pledge your commitment to becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a Guardian of this treasure of divine wisdom that you’re about to receive. The Oracle is not something you pay for and then own to use and abuse as you desire. Owner and property is the most abusive, destructive and inefficient relationship on earth. Guardianship is a totally different relationship. It understands that the more you put into a relationship, the more you get out of it. That’s the magic held within the Golden Rule!
Guardianship is the position of protecting, defending, caring for something, something of great value. With great responsibility comes great power and with great power comes great responsibility. As you are here, the Oracle is seeking you as much as you are seeking the Oracle.
Therefore, we ask you to make a pledge of commitment to become a Guardian of the Oracle and the message She has to tell you. Once you hold this message, this information, then it is in your hands and purely up to you to nurture and care for it as you best see fit. We sincerely hope you accept this role of becoming a Guardian of the Oracle, a messenger of the truth and wisdom held within.
Welcome to a world without rules and controls, borders and boundaries. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
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